Luck is the thing unpredictable. Someone spoiled their whole life, and someone who does not passes even once. How is luring her to his side? This question concerned the people over the millennia. In different cultures have their own ways of how to be successful and get lucky by the tail.

Popular amulets to attract good luck.
The magic of wax.
A very simple way. A lit candle, should be put in a glass of water (size and color of the sails of the values does not have). Until the fire is burning, see the flames and think about your goals, dreams, desires. The wax is absorbing all his thoughts. After you have burned candle and the wax is cooled, you should gather, put in a bag, or sew on the inside of a stuffed toy. The amulet of the need to keep to yourself, do not give in the wrong hands.
Of the hand of good fortune.
This amulet has come to us from the east. It looks like the movement of the palm of the hand, adorned in the middle of the image of the eyes. The hand of fate protects its owner from negative influences from the outside, deterioration, evil eye, good luck, prosperity, financial independence.
Print Vélez. It has been designed as a bear paws. He was wearing his predominantly male. In our time, can help to advance your career, success in professional activity, to attract the money.
Raciborz. It gives its owner the wisdom and good luck. It is considered that leads to this amulet receives the patronage of their ancestors, in order to assist in any company.
Jari-the sun. The cover of closer to the women. He is going to protect you from the evils, not only her, but also to the future children. The amulet will bring success in the workplace and the financial well-being.
You must first learn the meaning of each rune. A rune can have a value determined, but if found in combination with other meaning can be different.Most often in amulets of luck use the rune Wunjo.
The amulet of the good luck.
The person who carries this talisman, will be to attract good luck, whatever you touched. You will see a greater chance of winning in the lottery or in the casino. Best circumstances that will appear in all parts, only that you don't miss the opportunity and enjoy them.
Rabbit hole distance of the indians.
Now, this method is used everywhere – in the West, and in the countries of the east. Although initially rabbit tongue were in the neck of the indians. This protection was considered to be a links of the buttons of good luck and prosperity. For he alone will be left rear rabbit hole of the leg. Don't have to have your foot on the neck – you can only keep in the house. Employers can carry in the pocket of the jacket.
The elephant of stability of the luck.
The statuette of an elephant, according to the teachings of feng shui, you can change the life of their owner in the best part. As this animal is retracted from the tube of water, and the luck is going to adhere to that house, which has a figure of an elephant.
The elephant is an animal, which powerfully worth on four legs. The life of the master of the statuette of the same way to find the book solid foundation and constant luck.
The japanese.
The most popular amulet of the japanese takes the name of omamori. He represents a bag in which you will find here in the epistle to the gods. These amulets can be seen all over the world, are turning in portfolios,that are hung in the car, in the office, the home. He brings good luck, happiness, wealth.
Of the chinese.
Coins tied in red thread. Perhaps, the most common form of attract wealth and success. Not only does it help to attract money, but also to preserve and increase your.
God Khotey. The statuette of this god will fulfill the desire of attract good luck.
Ducks-Mandarin. The links of the buttons the luck in your personal life, of fate, of great opportunities.
The fish aravana. This links the buttons attracts luck, wealth, prosperity.
The spiral of good luck.
The spiral generally represented of gold of a topic. Is the links of the buttons of a continuous motion, which meet in the life of the owner of the lucky and have endless streams of cash. She helps people develop leadership skills, be more attractive to the eyes of the opposite sex, of fast job growth, independence.
The lucky charm and lucky sign of the zodiac.
If you select a good luck charm, you should take into account the sign of the zodiac. Correct the color and the material under fact, you can increase its magical properties.
The fire signs (aries, leo, sagittarius). They belong amulets need to be brilliant – it approach red, yellow, orange. By the way you better choose the square or round from the guard.
The earth signs (taurus, virgo, capricorn). Of the earth, the signs are very practical. A Material for their amulets should be adequate – clay, wood, copper. For the color that best that take all the shades of brown and green.
The water signs (cancer, pisces, scorpio). By the color of the representatives of the element of water is ideal green, blue, silver, talismans, made of thin brittle materials.
The air signs (gemini, libra, aquarius). Your talismans should be easily and with grace. By the color of the best orient in shades of blue, blue, purple, beige).
Lucky charms, they bring good luck in their studies.
To attract the success in studies is used talismans with the use of different herbs.
The bag of valerian. It helps to be more to walk, attentive, gets to study, to quickly recover from the force.
The loins of marigolds. Help hard to overcome the difficult moments that arise in the process of learning, removed from the excitement before a public performance.
The bag of nettles and grass-the weeping. Help to exams. Alleviates fear, which avoids the negative thoughts and moods.
The bag of dry st. john's wort. Gives you value, it helps the assimilation of the new material.
When the best thing is to practice the creation of an amulet.
For maximum effect it is necessary to create an amulet of luck on a particular day and so far:
- this should be a period of the waxing of the moon,
- the process must be done in a fit of silence,
- the time of day, no matter,
- bring thoughts in order and to expel the head of all negativity, creating an amulet, trusting in his luck,
- you can't talk to others about their pet, show, give, touch,
- on the possibility of always trying to bring a charm to itself,
- save, intended to attract good luck, it is best to create on Wednesday and Sunday.
Lucky charms, which they can do by itself.
The bag of luck.
For the bag you'll need red fabric – is considered to be a links of the buttons of the prosperity, and the thread. And the fabric and the thread should be natural.
In a bag put objects that represent success and wealth: coins, rabbit foot, the goldfish, the ladybug, a horseshoe. You can put turquoise – it is also often used to attract good luck.
You can fill the bag of herbs, which are also able to help you to succeed: orange peel, pomegranate rind, hazelnuts, acorns, four-leaf clover, cinnamon sticks, flowers violet or apple.
The bag must be carried in the purse or wallet.
Hanging coins.
To convert a currency on the pet, because the night the rising of the moon put into the container with the water in such a way, that the light of the moon illuminated her. On a coin of pronouncing the incantation: "As the water the light of the full moon, and my life, the luck and the wealth is full".
The currency leave it overnight in water, and in the morning you can make it to the pendant and wear on the neck.
The appearance of nodules in the happiness.
For the ritual you will need five unpainted thread and the other in red (all the threads should be natural). The red thread then with colorless – five times tie knots, condemning the regarding the following: "the First knot knit victory assign, the second – the protection of the mountain, the third entejer yourself the wealth of yarn, the fourth of luck, and the fifth – seal".
Store this amulet is necessary in an isolated place, away from strangers.
The grimace.
The wrist soft-tissue can make any – this is the subject of the fantasy of the owner. To give you sustainability, on the basis of put a coin. The point of not drawing the face, the apotropaic its should not be.
Wrist-the amulet of the made by hands, to bring good luck to you – you just need to frequently to carry it with you.
Happy dollar.

A ticket for the dignity of 1 dollar need to bend in the shape of a triangle, and in this way to carry in the portfolio. He's going to attract money and success.
Talisman silver things.
This type of metal, such as silver, has the ability to attract good luck and money. All the silver of the thing can turn into a talisman, a success – you just need to talk about it.
For the ritual opt for the night of Wednesday to Thursday, places the selected object in the water, and ask, that from now on, she suffered in life of happiness.
The embroidery and hand-woven.
If the owner has the skills of sewing and knitting, is to put together the shelter is not easy. It is necessary to collect the slav, the image that brings good luck, or the corresponding rune, and embroidery or for knitting on the fabric. What is more important – to use only natural materials. The yarn is desirable to take a red color.
Lucky talisman of the favorite things.
Thing that has to do with the happy events are the life, you can become an excellent amulet, positive in the life of well-being. You just have to xlsm luck". To do this, keeping the future of the pet on the hand, pronounces the conspiracy: "I protect, attract luck, in everything you help me".
After this zagovornye thing you can carry in those times when help is needed.
The stones.
The jasper. This natural stone has a powerful energy. He brings success in the life of the owner, will help you to find a common language with others, gives you value, help you avoid unpleasant situations.
The larimar. Attracts money and good luck. To enhance the effect of the cost of stone used, filled with white gold or silver.
Cat's eye. In addition to the participation of well-being, protects from the evil eye. The stone is suited to the affluent, who often want to.
Ruby. It helps to get the success in the most intractable cases. Especially suitable brands of fire of elements of the nature: to the lions, to the aries, Sagittarius.
The grass.
The herbs that bring good luck, and are able to protect of the problems, they are especially made bags, in the drying. The bag should be manufactured of leather subject matter. Fill up your chamomile, aloe vera, laurel leaf, for the jade.
The acorn or nut.
And the acorns, and dried fruit in many countries serve as symbols of prosperity. It usually takes different work meetings and negotiations – that confer to their holders the eloquence, the gift of persuasion, the ability to success of business. Students may bring the nuts in the exam.
Crocodile tooth.
Which brings with it a crocodile tooth, the sort of smile at all. Also ideal for the politicians.
The bamboo.
In the art of feng shui bamboo – a links of the buttons of happiness. Very quickly – and who will himself as a pet, the faster it will be able to make a career and succeed in life.
The image of the beetle of the beetle were already in the old egypt. He was considered to be a links of the buttons of the wealth. Today, this lucky charm, helps to maintain the already existing well-being.
Golden the garlic.
Is the links of the buttons in chinese. He satisfies the desire and yet but promises its owner a permanent, inexhaustible cash flows.
The sunflower.
The sunflower helps those who builds a career. He energy, develop creativity, helps those who want to achieve popularity and recognition.
The conspiracies of the amulets-amulets.
Speak amulet you can yourself using the video instructions, which is sufficient in the field of internet. And can be attributed to a specialist of the magic of the rites. Permitted and is very simple: ask the patronage of luck in your own words.
Upload and activate it.
Activate the amulet can be of the house. To do this, you will require the assistance of the four elements – it is necessary to take a handful of soil, pour in a container of water, open the window to let air in, and light a candle. In each element of amulet is briefly placed with the request for help. Over the flame of a candle is enough simply to have.
After these manipulations, ward will be ready to use in all their strength.